Hale Memorial Church Time Capsule

By Faith Tittle

A time capsule found in the cornerstone of the Hale Memorial Church will be unveiled at the Scottish Rite Theatre on September 20th.

In 2021, Kim Blickenstaff’s KDB Group acquired the Hale Memorial Church on the corner of Main and High streets in Peoria, IL. Blickenstaff and the KDB Group had hopes of restoring the structure to its original glory and repurposing the building into a performing arts venue. After restoration efforts began, the church was found to be beyond repair. The structure had endured fire damage as well as years of water damage.

In June 2022 after careful deliberations and many heartfelt discussions, the Peoria Historical Preservation Commission ruled in agreement with the KDB group; the Hale Memorial Church would be torn down due to the building’s state of disrepair. This decision was difficult and weighed heavy on the hearts of all involved. It was painful to say goodbye to the beautiful structure that had become a trademark of Peoria’s West Bluff neighborhood for over 100 years.


In August 2022, careful demolition of the church began. The KDB Group worked to salvage architectural components of the building in hopes that some of the original glory of the structure could live on through new construction projects. During the demolition of the property, a time capsule was found in the cornerstone of the church. Records show the cornerstone was laid by Bishop Ninde as well as other dignitaries on September 20th, 1900. The capsule is believed to hold a Holy Bible as well as other documents that date back 150 years to the original Hale Chapel that stood on the property in 1868. In order to accommodate a growing population, the original Hale Chapel was torn down and replaced with the celebrated Hale Memorial Church that became an architectural landmark of Peoria. The discovery of the time capsule adds yet another layer to the historical legacy of the Hale Memorial Church and its gifts to the community.

The KDB Group is thrilled to share the time capsule and its contents with the public on September 20th, 2022, the 122nd anniversary of the Hale Memorial Church cornerstone placement. CEO, Greg Birkland, stated, “With expertise guidance from the Chris Farris, Reference Assistance, Peoria Public Library as well as archaeologists, Dr. Greg Wilson, University of California, Santa Barbara and Dr. Dana Bardolph, Northern Illinois University, we are excited to methodically open this time capsule and reveal yet more historical value of the Hale Memorial Church.”

Join the KDB Group as they host an unveiling of the time capsule at the Scottish Rite Theatre in downtown Peoria on Tuesday, September 20th at 1:00 PM.